Xavius ATC Systems

Xavius ATC Systems




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ATC Simulation 


Our X-ATASim™ training lab and ATC simulator platform is a distributed, multi-user hardware and software package ideal for classroom or facility training labs. Features include:

  • Off-the-shelf emulation of U.S. TRACON (ARTS IIIE, ACD) and Enroute (DSR/Host) radar and flight data systems, IDS information display and VSCS voice switching panels. Ideal for FAA CTI programs or FAA controller training. 

  • Customizable HMI can accurately mimic just about any radar display in the world, from full-color digital to older monochrome analog displays, and properly emulate flight data user interfaces whether command-line or GUI- based.

  • Range of supported hardware allows system to fit any budget, from full multi-display consoles with  2Kx2K LCD monitors, thermal flight strip printers, custom keyboards and trackballs, to simpler tabletop systems using off-the-shelf PC displays, printers and input devices.  

  • Up to 32 sectors may be run simultaneously, including radar/executive positions, handoff/assistant positions, flight data positions, instructor/observer workstations, and optional pseudopilot workstations. 

  • Voice-over-IP interphone and radio simulator at each position connects both human and computer controllers and pilots together on push-to-talk, "radio-sounding" frequencies (with simulated static and clipped bandwidth), as well as override and dial-call landlines selected by touchscreen. 
  • Full voice and scenario recording for easy playback, analysis and report generation. Files are in standard "AVI" format that can be replayed on any standard PC. 

  • Scenarios can be specifically scripted, or generated automatically by specifying standard traffic flows plus desired "problem concentration areas" such as overtakes, crossing traffic, unusual performance or situations, weather deviations, etc, if desired.

  • Imports standard DAFIF and Jeppesen airport, navaid, airway and SID/STAR data for easy database maintenance.

  • Runs on Windows XP and off-the-shelf network and CPU hardware for easy maintainability by IT departments.

  • Instructors can load laptop version for classroom use to demonstrate the system and ATC concepts directly, such as on overhead projectors. 

  • Solo and multi-user modes allow a session to be run with or without instructors and pseudo-pilots, and with human or computers controlling adjacent sectors. Sectors can be linked together, or all running the same sector and scenario. 

  • Computer controllers properly feed traffic, make and take pointouts and handoffs, coordinate information, and adhere to inter-sector and inter-facility procedures. 

  • DIS and HLA network compatible allows connecting to other simulation platforms.

  • All other miscellaneous hardware (strip holders, foot pedals, headsets, etc) can be provided as part of a turnkey package.

Customizable to specific needs and budgets -- contact us for more information!




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