5. Scan the above situation. The first priority of the sector radar controller is to

A. issue traffic to N367A.

B. apply merging target procedures [i.e. call traffic] to N367A and N312B.

C. separate TWA516 and UAL212.

D. advise A15213 of eastbound unidentified traffic.

Answer: D. TWA516 and UAL212 also need to be separated, but A15213 is probably going to have a mid-air with the VFR target in front of him in about a minute. Actually you should also stop his climb or turn him, just to provide some kind of separation in case he never sees it.

You do need to eventually call traffic to N367A and N312B, because they are at the minimum separation (1,000 feet), and their targets will likely merge, but the other two things mentioned above take higher priority.